Appendix: Metadata Definitions

Capture Mechanism

Place information regarding how the image was captures, by scanner, digital camera, overhead book scanner, etc. Record information on the type of capture mechanism used, such as the brand name of a scanner.

Capture Notes

Record any special settings in the software used for the capture mechanism. For example, capture levels in scanning software.

Collection Name

This field contains the name of the collection in which the material is located. It can be abbreviated to the last name and first name from the collection title. For example "Slote, Bernice" or "Feinberg, Charles." If there is more than one collection with the same name, an initial should be included. This information will help interpret the file name of each scan.


Record the type of color bar used for the image.


If it is available, record the box number and the folder number. The words "box" and "folder" can be abbreviated. For example, B1, F4, etc.

Copyright Ownership

Record any information on copyright of the photograph, taken from the object or from information about the collection. Information may be provided on the back of the image. Generally, the item is no longer under copyright if it is created before 1923. Copyright may have been granted to the UNL Libraries, another entity, or may still be held by the donor or creator of the collection. If the creator or donor still owns copyright, this information should be added to the field.

Creation Date

Record the actual date when the electronic file was created.


This field contains information on person who created the original item, such as a photographer, an author, or a photography studio. For a professional studio the location should be included if it is available.


Enter a date for an artifact or photograph in this field based on the UNL EAD, ISO 8601standard noted below.

  • Year, Month, Day = YYYY-MM-DD
  • Single Year= YYYY
  • Year Range= YYYY-YYYY
  • Year, Month Range= YYYY-MM/YYYY-MM
  • Year, Month, Day Range= YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD
  • Approximate Year= YYYY-YYYY (within a five year span)
  • Approximate Decade = YYYY-YYYY (with a ten year, one decade span)
  • Undated=YYYY-YYYY (For an item from a collection, this would be the date range for the entire collection)


This field contains description of the item that provides additional "who," "what," and "where," "etc" information about the image. It may be information that is known, such as "Willa Cather in France camping, next to a tent with a white dress," or it may be very general information. This is a memo field so as much information as may be needed can be entered and complete sentences or longer phrases can be used. This is not a searchable field.

Dewey Call Number

If an image or page has been scanned from an item that is cataloged with a Dewey number, provide the call number. Be sure to record the page number as a part of this field.

File Format

This field contains the file format of the scanned image. The default for this field should be a TIFF file.

Grayscale or RGB

Select either grayscale or RGB. As noted in the "Scanning Steps" document, all images are made in RGB, with the exception of black and white photographs that are "true " black and white in color.


If a place or location is identified include it. The place name can be separated by commas, similar to an address. For example: Thomas Co., NE or Frederick Co., Virginia. This provides the "where" information for a photograph.


Keywords or subjects are brief one word or two word descriptions of the image, each separated by a semi-colon. Include names of individuals that are represented if they are identified and please use their full name. The name or subject should reflect the Library of Congress entry in the online catalog. The description should be based on information provided or those objects or scenes identified in the first few seconds of looking at the image. This field is a searchable field and will be the field used to locate an image by keyword or subject. Note information on "who," "what," "why" and "how." Information on "when" and "where" are entered into separate fields.

LC Call Number

If an image or page has been scanned from an item that is cataloged with a LC call number, provide the call number. Be sure to record the page number as a part of this field.


This provides information on the location of an item within a collection or within an archival repository. For example, the location could be recorded as "Library of Congress." For security reasons, this is not meant to provide information on the location of an item on shelves, etc.

Manipulation Notes

Record any information about manipulation of the image with software such as Photoshop. This includes any enhancements, etc. done to the image. Generally, there is no manipulation of a master image.

Master File Location

Record the number of the CD-Rom, or DVD, that contains the master images.

Master Scan

Yes/No, A master image has been made.


The number in this field is automatically assigned to a record in a database.


The name of the individual who created the digital image.

Optional Number

This number may be used to record additional numbers on an artifact or as needed for a project.

Original Item Number

The number of the original item is entered into this field. Not all items have been assigned a number.

Original Manuscript Type

Select one of the options listed. Additional options may be added as necessary: Account Book; Diary Page; Envelope; Field Notes; Journal; Letter; Manuscript; Newspaper Clipping; Postcard; Scrapbook, Book

Original Multimedia Type

Select one of the options listed: Film Frame; Film Strip

Original Photo Type

Select one of the options listed. Albumen Print; Ambrotype; Black/White Print; Cabinet Card; Carte de visite; Color Negative; Color Print; Copy Negative; Daguerreotype; Diacitate Negative; Ferrotype (Tintype); Gelatin Silver Postcard; Gelatin Silver Print; Glass Plate; Lantern Slide; Linen Postcard; Nitrate Negative; Photo Album Page; POP (Printing Out Paper) Print; Polyester Negative; Real Photo Postcard; Stereoview; Transparency; Wet Plate Negative

Original Size

This is the size of the original object as measured in centimeters.

Physical Ownership

The default option for this field is UNL Libraries. Information on other repositories or institutions may appear here.

Print File Location

If a print is made of the scanned image, provide information on the location of the print.


Yes/NoSelect whether the image should be redone or not. This may be necessary if the benchmarks have not been met or if the image is not of good qualiy.

Refreshment Cycle

Record the number of times the file has been refreshed. Include information on, or the date, when the actual refreshment of the file took place.

Refreshment Date

This contains information on the refreshment date of file. Enter the year, three or five years from the ScanDate, when the file will need to be migrated or refreshed. Three years is the earliest date, and five years the maximum of number of years before the files should be migrated to a new storage media.


Record the resolution used to create the file. At this time, our benchmarks require a resolution of 600 ppi.


This field contains the record group number or the manuscript number assigned to a collection from any archival repository. For example, the Library of Congress uses "record group" to designate certain collections. Please use the letters RG prior to a record group number and MS prior to a manuscript number.


This is the number assigned to the image based on the File Naming Protocol document. The number provided at the end should match to the automatically supplied number in the Digital Imaging Database.


Yes/No, A thumbnail of the image has been created.