The Center for Digital Research in the Humanities promotes collaborative, transdisciplinary digital humanities research and encourages grants in the humanities. Through its endowment, the Center provides mentoring opportunities for the next generation of humanities scholars.
As a Program of Excellence, the Center fosters and serves as a catalyst for digital humanities research by providing spaces for collaborative research teams to meet, technological support, infrastructure for long-term sustainability of research, and connections to international research networks. While Faculty Fellows of the Center have tenure homes in Anthropology, Art & Art History, Classics & Religious Studies, English, History and the Libraries, the Center serves any discipline in which the research intersects with the humanities.
With endowment funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities and private donors, the center supports early career humanities scholars.
Connections to the wider world of digital humanities
The Center is a founding member of centerNet, an international network of digital humanities centers, and is an institutional member of the TEI Consortium , the National Humanities Alliance, and the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes. The Center is also a member of the Humanities Without Walls consortium of fifteen universities in the Midwest, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.